Driving at Burr School
I want to drop-off and pick-up my child from school. What do I need to know?
Burr School has two"Blue Zone"areas, which are specifically designated for the quick and safe drop-off/pick-up of students at Burr. (Click here to view and download a printable PDF map of the Blue Zone.) There are very specific procedures that must be followed by all drivers in the Blue Zone. If you plan to make use of it, it is imperative that you review The Blue Zone page on this site.
Parking on streets around the school is allowed, with the exception of the Blue Zone and Live Parking areas. Since Burr is located in a residential neighborhood, parking is extremely limited around the school. ​If you drive and park, please consider parking a bit away from the school and walking the rest. The streets surrounding the school are not designed to handle the volume of traffic associated with so many of our families driving. Parking is even more limited in the winter. The best places to look for parking are along Washburn Avenue and Orris Street. Click here for a Park & Walk Zones map.

Biking at Burr School
How old should children be to ride their bikes to school?
Children in Kindergarten through Grade 3 are unlikely to have the developmental and judgment skills for unsupervised bicycling. Children in these grades should be accompanied by an adult when bicycling to or from school, and all riders must agree to follow the guidelines below. Parents are strongly cautioned to supervise carefully if children of this age wish to bicycle to school.
Children in Grades 4 and 5 may ride to school alone (with parental consent) after returning a signed Student Agreement and Parental Consent Form. Parents should ride the chosen route with their child prior to allowing them to ride alone, to be sure that their child follows all traffic laws, demonstrates safe behavior, and has sufficient bicycle handling skills to ride safely.
Burr School has developed the following guidelines to help make getting to school – whether by biking, walking, or driving – safer for everyone. The privilege of riding a bicycle to school bears the responsibility of following these guidelines. Riders who violate these guidelines may have their bike to school privileges revoked. (Please note – these guidelines also apply to scooters, skateboard, in-line skates, etc.)
What are Burr's biking requirements?
Students and Parents Must Agree to These Guidelines Before Biking to School:
The Student Agreement and Parental Consent form must be signed and returned to the office before biking to school.
All riders MUST wear a helmet. Massachusetts State Law (Section 11B1/2) requires any person 16 years of age or younger to wear an approved helmet secured by straps while riding on or operating a bicycle, in-line skates, a skate board, or a scooter.
Pedestrians have the right of way on sidewalks and paths. Riders must ride slowly and be prepared to stop quickly.
Riders must follow the rules of the road including but not limited to: obeying all traffic lights and signals (including STOP signs), crossing only at marked crossings, and allowing only one rider per seat.
Bicycles must be walked at all crosswalks and riders must obey directions given by crossing guards or other adults on duty.
Bicycles may not be ridden on school sidewalks or anywhere on school grounds during arrival and dismissal. Children arriving at the front of the school on Pine Street must get off their bikes once they reach the crosswalk, the Staff driveway, or the BCAP driveway and walk their bike to a rack. Children arriving from Lexington Street must yield to pedestrians on the path across the field and should use the bike rack by the tennis courts. At dismissal, students must walk their bikes off school grounds.
Bicycles must be parked and locked in the racks provided. Students must bring their own locks.
Helmets should be labeled with the student’s name and stored in their backpack or attached to the bicycle.
The school is not responsible for loss or damage to bicycles, helmets, or any other equipment.
Why should my children walk to school?​
Burr is lucky to be a very walkable neighborhood. There are 3 crossing guards to make certain that the major crossings are safe. The sidewalks from these crossing guards all the way to school are shoveled by the city to make certain they are passable year-round. Parking is very limited around the school. All students who plan on taking the bus need to register for a bus pass. For more information on bus routes or applying for a bus pass, click here.
Since most students who live in Newton live close to our neighborhood elementary schools, families are urged to walk whenever possible. Kids love walking to and from school, especially in a group with friends and neighbors. In the morning, there’s time to wake up, socialize and expend a little energy before school, so kids arrive ready to learn. After school, they can talk about their day and expend a little more energy!
A Few Safety Tips…
Walk on the sidewalk
Look left, right, and left for traffic
Walk facing traffic, if there are no sidewalks
Cross at intersections
See and be seen
Make eye contact with drivers
Wear reflective or light colored clothes in the morning and night
Wear comfortable shoes when walking
Where are the crossing guards located?
The crossing guards for Burr School are located at the following intersections:
Pine Street in front of the Burr School
Lexington Street (north of Staniford) at pedestrian light
Auburndale Avenue and Washburn Avenue
The days/hours crossing guards are stationed at the intersections above is as follows:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Morning: 7:45am–8:25am
Afternoon: 2:50pm–3:25pm
​Morning: 7:45am–8:25am
Afternoon: 12:20pm–1:05pm

Walking at Burr School

Taking the Bus at Burr School
Who is eligible to take the bus?
School buses help reduce traffic! If you live more than two miles walking distance from school, you are entitled to free bus service. For more information and to download an application, click here.
Where can I find more information about the busing program?
Click here to see a list of FAQ about the program.